This is dedicated to my grandfather. Not just the website or a piece I have created throughout the years, but all of my work. My grandfather was where I got most of who I am, From loving science and art to sports and being in the woods. He had a huge impact on not just me and my family, but also the community, and his passing when I was in 7th grade took a huge toll on me and my family. Richard Eugene Black, born in 1955 to Charles Black and Hazel Fitts grew up in Baldwin. He attended Sacopee Valley High School from 6th grade in 1967 to his graduation in 1973. He then went on to have two kids, 4 grandchildren, and work at Limington Lumber (now Robbins Lumber) where he worked for 40 years never taking a day off. The company he worked for liked him so much, that the morning he passed was the first day in 40 years he didn't show up, so his work sent someone to check in on him, and that to me is something that I wish all employers were like.
Richard Eugene Black, May 8, 1955 - January 14, 2019
Jess Frost, was a cousin at heart, and I will always talk about her as my cousin, even though we weren't actually cousins. Her mother Carol, was with my grandfather for over a decade. After school, my sister and I would go to her house and hang out with her and her sister until our parents could pick her up. However, on the night of September 4th, 2021, at the age of 23, she sadly lost her life in a drunk driving accident. This was devastating for everyone who knew her, including her family, her mother and sister. To lose a child or even a sibling is something that I wish no one would ever have to go through, but no matter how devastating it is, life moves on, and they would want the people who knew them to be happy. So, that is why I have this dedicated to her, my family not by blood or marriage, but in my heart, she will always be my cousin.
Jessie Frost, 1998 - September 4, 2021
Graphite Drawings
Photos of People
Sport Photography
Photos of Birds
Artists I Look Up To
Art From Around the World
Art From History
Black and white artworks evoke a sense of nostalgia, simplicity, and some emotion.
Colorful Creations
I don't use a whole lot of color, and when I do it is with clay and glaze, anything I have in color would be the photography portion.
Unconventional Subjects
From birds to organs, explore the artist's unconventional take on subject matter
Emotional Depth
Some of the artwork is infused with emotion, inviting viewers to connect on a deeper level
About Me
I don't really offer services, because it has never really been my thing, but I would, just never charge anyone anything. I believe that art should be seen by everyone, no matter the medium, and that includes not charging people for things, because this is also just a hobby. I do this for fun and because I enjoy it, and I would never charge for anything like that, and because I'd call my artwork mediocre at best, and if you want something done, you'd want them to be good, and not fuck it up.
Contact Us
If you want to say something, anything, even if it’s just “Hi”, please provide your information, and we will contact you soon. We look forward to connecting with you. If you need someone to talk to, or just someone to say something to, regardless, please reach out to someone, if you don’t think you have anyone to talk to, say it here. I would love to start a conversation with you, but please remember; no matter what, you are never truly alone.